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a wandering wizard and a missing toddler

Reddit has posts of missing people .I will scan the title and do a snap view for practice. This is helping me to learn new techniques and strategies to maximize data acquisition.


The several previous views of missing people really drove home just how vulnerable a lonesome wizard really is

.There is no one to share the pain that we feel .no outlet for our frustration and emotions that well up from this.

The best we can do is record the data that no one will look at and stuff our tears back into our sockets, harden our hearts to the pain and anger and fear of those we seek and do our duty to try and get better at our skills.

my latest post viewing was a small girl that pulled away from her mother. a simple act of a child that led to a mystery disappearance of Katrice lee

November 28 1981 West Germany.

I haven't read the details from the posted report and I haven't watched the YouTube video surrounding her disappearance The simple act of viewing just the name has brought me to my knees with emotions and I don't think I could do this by myself or at least a really big box of Kleenex.

At some point ,in the future I will finish the view and place my notes in my archive .The simple act of following thru with this should help me to get past this emotionally .

The goal of dealing with this personal pain should help me deal with all the pain that I will stumble into while remote viewing blind targets picked by others.


I just wish it didn't hurt so much.

maleficos qui auxilium patientibus dolorem sentire ineffabili viis

wizards who help those who suffer, feel the pain in unimaginable ways

To those who have lost a loved one or are in the process

it is a terrible thing and you will be changed forever.


Don't let it take you down a dark path.

Use this experience to help others just starting down this awful road.

May your staff of light shine bright.

your box of Kleenex never run out,

and your shoulders of comfort always be available to help those in need.


Megan Jones

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